Habitat for Humanity of Greater Chattanooga will host its first hybrid live and virtual Raise the Roof event Wednesday, Sept. 30, at noon.
The event will feature a welcome message from Jonathan Reckford, president and CEO of Habitat International. Linda Brock of Real Estate Partners is the event’s presenting sponsor for the second year.
Ticket and table purchases will include a Raise the Roof party pack and lunch from Panera Bread delivered to each participant’s home or office.
Those who support with a ticket or table will be able to watch the event live, as Habitat has partnered with WTCI to record and stream the event. Habitat will make the recorded event available online later.
Guests can attend either virtually or in person. There will be 14 tables at the event, each seating four. All tables will be spaced according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines and guests will be asked to wear masks when they are not eating.
Guests will be given a time for entry and greeted at the door in order to avoid large crowds congregating together, and they will be asked to avoid socializing in groups.
Over the past 34 years, the local Habitat for Humanity has built 278 homes and repaired over 80 existing homes.
Habitat for Humanity will use the proceeds from Raise the Roof to build more homes for families in Hamilton County. Last year’s event raised over $100,000.
Tickets are $50 and tables are $500. To purchase tickets or tables, call 756-0507.
Source: Habitat for Humanity of Greater Chattanooga Area