Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, February 5, 2016

100 Years Ago

What was happening in Chattanooga in 1916?

Saturday, Feb. 5, 1916

Mrs. Hortense McDonald leaves today for Washington, D.C. to have charge of the National Congressional Suffrage Union.

Sunday, Feb. 6

Miss Franklyn Chauncey of Dalton, Ga., who has been visiting Mrs. Genevieve Meekter at the Hotel Ansley in Atlanta, will arrive in Chattanooga the first of the week to visit relatives.

A picture of Pollack Boyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kent Boyd, appeared in a Wheeling, W. Va. paper with an account of young Boyd’s triumph in golf. He is the grandson of Mrs. Augustus Pollock of Wheeling.

Monday, Feb. 11

Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas Hall announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Sadie, to Mr. Emmett H. Rogers. Both young folks are well known. Mr. Rogers, an artist, has done considerable work as a cartoonist.

Misses Emma Greenwood, Flora Martin, Aldine Hamilton, Virginia Charlton and Leslie Owen have returned from Nashville where they spent the weekend.

Tuesday, Feb. 8

Major General Leonard Wood, U.S. Army, will speak in the Courthouse auditorium tonight in regard to plans for the Southern Military Training Camp and will inspect Fort Oglethorpe as the possible site.

Several promotions have been made to take care of increase high school attendance. Miss Virginia Carden will be transferred from Third District School to City High. Miss Leonora Mull will succeed Miss Carden. Miss Aimee Harrison will go to Chestnut Street School and Miss Jane Haymore will take the place left vacant by the marriage of Miss Sadie Hall.

Wednesday, Feb. 9

At a recent meeting of the “Bird Lovers Club” of Signal Mountain, Mrs. Emma Belle Miles gave a lecture on the history, habits and songs of local birds, illustrating the lecture with her paintings.

Capt. H.S. Chamberlain, who has been confined to his home the last two weeks with illness, is now convalescing rapidly.

“City Beautiful Club” members are complaining of the carelessness of the citizens throwing paper, fruit and trash on the city streets. Mrs. W.G. Oehmig, president, presided at the club meeting Tuesday held in the Courthouse.

Thursday, Feb. 10

Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Bushnell will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on Feb. 17 with a reception at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bushnell on Fort Wood. Dr. Bushnell is minister of the Third Presbyterian Church.

Misses Jessal Holtzclaw, Ethel Tyler, Alma Swan, Ethelwyn Porter, and Emily Sunderland will represent the Chattanooga YWCA at a sectional conference in Nashville next week.

Miss Edith Isabelle Patten, who is in school in Washington, will come home for the Easter vacation.

Friday, Feb. 11

Miss Betty Andrews is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Garnett Andrews, Sr. at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Va.

Miss Margaret Davenport is home from Savannah, Ga., where she has been visiting Mrs. J. B. Pound.

Miss Sadie Hall and Emmett Rogers were married today at the bride’s home in Highland Park. Dr. J. W. Bachman officiated. The bride and groom left for Chicago and Cincinnati for a wedding trip.