Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, May 22, 2015

Brainbuster - Make Your Brain Tingle

Whenever I get stumped on what to make this puzzle about, I know I can always rely on unusual and strange words. The world is full of them, and they’re always quiet interesting. Have fun!

1. If I’m studying for finals, you might can find me at the local library, or in the: logorrhea; phrontistery; nepheliad; garconniere.

2. My doctor told me I’m cachexic. This means I: smell sweaty; am antisocial; am depressed, or have the blues; have an unhealthy physical or mental state.

3. Buildings or places around a mine shaft are called: sackbut; heapstead; obeliscolychny; daboya.

4. My stomach is all in a wamble. What’s happening? It’s churning or rolling; it’s tied up in knots; it’s nauseous; it’s hungry.

5. What’s a wayzgoose? A live broadcast transmitted on the World Wide Web; an instrument for measuring distance traveled; an annual employee dinner or outing; an instrument used to measure wavelengths.

6. I have kainotophobia. This means I have a fear of: body odor; change; melancholia; empty spaces.

7. A qanat is: an underground tunnel for carrying irrigation water; the wool of the undercoat of a musk-ox; a square frame; a type of editable clam.

8. My husband says I suffer from galeanthrophy. What does he mean by that? I never feel full after eating; I’m uncaring or indifferent; I think I’m a cat; I’m helpless.

9. Once when I was overseas, I saw some vagantes. What did I see? A group of valets; a gypsy caravan; wandering monk-scholars; a motorboat used in Venetian canals.

10. Last but not least, I never want it to be said that I’m dapocaginous, which would mean I: am mean-spirited or heartless; am a simpleton; am a two-headed beast; have an abnormal craving for alcohol.

ANSWERS: 1. A phrontistery, which is a thinking-place for reflection and intellectual stimulation. A logorrhea is an excessive flow of words, nepheliad is a cloudy condition, and a garconniere is a bachelor’s apartment. 2. Cachexic means I have an unhealthy physical or mental state. 3. Heapstead. A sackbut is an early wind instrument resembling a trombone, an obeliscolychny is a lighthouse, and a daboya is a large Indian viper. 4. Churning or rolling. 5. A wayzgoose is an annual employee meeting or outing. I guess that means you’re a wayzgooser. 6. I have a fear of change. A fear of body odor is kakidrosis, melancholia is panophobia, and a fear of empty spaces is kenophobia. 7. A qanat is an underground tunnel for carrying irrigation water. The wool of the undercoat of a musk-ox is qiviut, a square frame is a quadra, and quahog is a edible clam. 8. Galeanthrophy means I think I’m a cat. I’d rather suffer from that than have hyperphagia (never feel full), be a gawdelpus (a helpless person), or be orgallonic (uncaring or indifferent). 9. A valetaille is a group of valets; a vardo is a gypsy caravan, and a vaporetto is a Venetian motorboat. I guess I saw a group of wandering monk-scholars. 10. A daw is a simpleton, a two-headed beast is a derodidymus, dapocaginous means mean-spirited or heartless, and an abnormal craving for alcohol is dipsomania.

Whenever I get stumped on what to make this puzzle about, I know I can always rely on unusual and strange words. The world is full of them, and they’re always quiet interesting. Have fun!

1. If I’m studying for finals, you might can find me at the local library, or in the: logorrhea; phrontistery; nepheliad; garconniere.

2. My doctor told me I’m cachexic. This means I: smell sweaty; am antisocial; am depressed, or have the blues; have an unhealthy physical or mental state.

3. Buildings or places around a mine shaft are called: sackbut; heapstead; obeliscolychny; daboya.

4. My stomach is all in a wamble. What’s happening? It’s churning or rolling; it’s tied up in knots; it’s nauseous; it’s hungry.

5. What’s a wayzgoose? A live broadcast transmitted on the World Wide Web; an instrument for measuring distance traveled; an annual employee dinner or outing; an instrument used to measure wavelengths.

6. I have kainotophobia. This means I have a fear of: body odor; change; melancholia; empty spaces.

7. A qanat is: an underground tunnel for carrying irrigation water; the wool of the undercoat of a musk-ox; a square frame; a type of editable clam.

8. My husband says I suffer from galeanthrophy. What does he mean by that? I never feel full after eating; I’m uncaring or indifferent; I think I’m a cat; I’m helpless.

9. Once when I was overseas, I saw some vagantes. What did I see? A group of valets; a gypsy caravan; wandering monk-scholars; a motorboat used in Venetian canals.

10. Last but not least, I never want it to be said that I’m dapocaginous, which would mean I: am mean-spirited or heartless; am a simpleton; am a two-headed beast; have an abnormal craving for alcohol.

ANSWERS: 1. A phrontistery, which is a thinking-place for reflection and intellectual stimulation. A logorrhea is an excessive flow of words, nepheliad is a cloudy condition, and a garconniere is a bachelor’s apartment. 2. Cachexic means I have an unhealthy physical or mental state. 3. Heapstead. A sackbut is an early wind instrument resembling a trombone, an obeliscolychny is a lighthouse, and a daboya is a large Indian viper. 4. Churning or rolling. 5. A wayzgoose is an annual employee meeting or outing. I guess that means you’re a wayzgooser. 6. I have a fear of change. A fear of body odor is kakidrosis, melancholia is panophobia, and a fear of empty spaces is kenophobia. 7. A qanat is an underground tunnel for carrying irrigation water. The wool of the undercoat of a musk-ox is qiviut, a square frame is a quadra, and quahog is a edible clam. 8. Galeanthrophy means I think I’m a cat. I’d rather suffer from that than have hyperphagia (never feel full), be a gawdelpus (a helpless person), or be orgallonic (uncaring or indifferent). 9. A valetaille is a group of valets; a vardo is a gypsy caravan, and a vaporetto is a Venetian motorboat. I guess I saw a group of wandering monk-scholars. 10. A daw is a simpleton, a two-headed beast is a derodidymus, dapocaginous means mean-spirited or heartless, and an abnormal craving for alcohol is dipsomania.