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Front Page - Friday, December 26, 2014


What was going on in Chattanooga in 1914?

Saturday, December 26, 1914

“Straight as the crow flies” is the route proposed by C.E. James for the Hoosierland-to-Dixie Highway. Mr. James says “the straight road would be only 210 miles between Louisville and Chattanooga, and since most of the road in Tennessee would be on Walden’s Ridge at a 2,000 foot elevation, it would be kept in as good condition in winter as in other seasons of the year.”

Rev. and Mrs. Charles R. Hyde entertained with a family dinner yesterday. Covers were laid for Dr. J.W. Bachman, Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Buek, Judge and Mrs. Nathan Bachman, Miss Martha Bachman, Mrs. F.B. Magill, Mr. and Mrs. Rivers Goodall of Durham, N.C., Miss Mabel Duke Goodall, Miss Margaret Anderson, Lt. John Anderson, and William Anderson.

F.B. Bogart is home from the University of Michigan for the holidays.

Sunday, Dec. 27

Miss Grace Milne will entertain at a tea Wednesday afternoon at her home on Vine Street complimenting her guest, Miss Talliaferro of Bristol, and Miss Emma Sue Smartt’s guest, Miss Irene Knox.

Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbreath spent Christmas in Dayton, Tenn.

Mrs. W.G. Oehmig left yesterday to visit her mother, Mrs. Edward West in Rome, Ga.

Monday, Dec. 28

Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Llewellyn of Maryville are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maclellan.

Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Fowler will return today to Macon after a visit to Col. and Mrs. W.D. Spears.

Miss Iphigene Ochs of New York and Miss Iphigene Molony of Cincinnati arrived last evening for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Adler.

Tuesday, Dec. 29

John Cummings Grant is home from Bingham School, and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cummings and Mr. and Mrs. Will Cummings.

Mrs. W.A. Hyder and Miss Inez Hyder have returned from Walden’s Ridge.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Campbell are home from Tullahoma.

Miss Victoria Wright will entertain at dinner tonight for Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Stegall.

Wednesday, Dec. 30

Theodore King, Jr., gave a dance yesterday at the home of his parents in Riverview.

Miss Mary Steward and Catherine Signaigo were hostesses at a delightful card party yesterday afternoon at the Steward home on Battery Place. Eight tables were arranged for auction.

Miss Isma Crutchfield, who is doing designing work in New York, has seven silhouettes of the advanced Spring styles in the February number of a popular magazine.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weir returned from a visit to relatives in Dayton, Ohio.

Thursday, Dec. 31

Miss Sallie Armstrong entertained Monday night in honor of her cousin, James Freeman of Huntington, Va. Guests were Misses Margaret Montgomery, Bert Newell, Margaret Brooks, Helen Huffaker, Helen Rhorer, and Elizabeth Sheffey, and Messrs. Harold Hill, Rufus Sauls, William Axley, Edmond Sauls, and Mr. Freeman.

Mrs. J.M. Selden was hostess to the Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Club yesterday. Mrs. J.F. Finlay won the first prize, a pink camisole; second prize, a guest towel, was won by Mrs. W.M. Elliott. Mrs. Mark Senter will be the next hostess.

Dr. and Mrs. Cannaday of Delaware, Ohio, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. F.W. Hixson.

Miss Ann Fisher honored Mrs. Cannaday Wednesday afternoon with an informal tea.

Friday, Jan. 1

Miss Ida Gilbert entertained yesterday afternoon with a heart dice party at her home in Highland Park.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Forger gave a dinner party Tuesday night for Bishop and Mrs. Theodore Henderson. Guests were Dr. and Mrs. F.W. Hixson, Dr. and Mrs. Cannaday, Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Perry, and Miss Ruth Perry.

Miss Margaret Sadd will entertain today with a luncheon at the Hitching Post for the season’s debutantes. v