Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, June 6, 2014

Mark Making unveils 300 square foot mural created by Chattanooga teens battling drug addiction

Mark Making, a Chattanooga-based non-profit organization, has unveiled a 300 square foot exterior mural at the H*Art Gallery on East Main Street created by Tennessee teens struggling with drug addiction.

The mural, entitled “Awakenings,” symbolizes hope not just to the teens but to all people who seek inspiration to never give up hope in their own personal battles.

The mural is the result of a partnership between Mark Making and the CADAS Scholze Center for Adolescent Treatment. As part of the project, Mark Making provided art instruction to teens at the Scholze Center.

The teenagers were required to create written statements in which they identify places or life situations where an infusion of art and color could provoke civic change.

For more information, visit www.markmaking.org.