Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, April 22, 2011


Make your brain tingle!

By Kay Bona

1. Who was the first Postmaster general of the United States? George C. Scott; Mr. Postal; George Washington; Samuel Osgood

2. Who were the candidates the last time the presidential election went to the House of Representatives? Ronald Regan and Quayle; Bill Clinton and Ross Perot; Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams; George Bush and Mr. Ed

3. Where is Tippecanoe? Massachusetts; Indiana; Louis-iana; Mexico

4. What military action was known as “that splendid little war”? Vietnam; the civil war; the Indian war; Spanish-American war

5. “Go ahead, make my day.” This was a quote from which Clint Eastwood film? “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly;” “Sudden Impact;” “Magnum Force;” “Enforcer”

6. The underside of a horse’s hoof is called: a frog; a billet; pedimont; the osteoplurus.

7. What hide was first used to cover baseballs in 1975? Wool; Cowhide; horsehide; rubber

8. How many rounds must a golfer play to be eligible for a handicap?

9. When did the pocket calculator first make the scene? 1960’s; 1970’s; 1980’s

10. What fruit is depicted in Leonardo’s Last Supper, even though it did not arrive in the Holy Land until long after Jesus’ death? Orange; Apple; Banana; Kiwi


1. The Continental Con-gress appointed Benjamin Franklin to that position in 1775. In 1789, Samuel Osgood was named the first postmaster general under the new Constitution. 2. In 1824, they were Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, William H. Crawford, and Henry Clay. Jackson won a plurality of both the electoral and popular votes, but not a majority of Electoral College. In accord with the Constitution, the election was decided by the House of Representatives, which chose Adams. Jackson got his revenge when he defeated Adams for re-election four years later. 3. In Indiana. 4. The Spanish-American War was so called by the U.S. Secretary of State John Hays. 5. Sudden Impact 6. The frog; it peels off several times a year with new growth. 7. Cowhide 8. Ten 9. 1970’s 10. Orange