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Front Page - Friday, February 18, 2011

Brainbuster — Make your brain tingle!

By Kay Bona
1. What is the difference between Ordinance and Ordnance?
2. Which of the five is least like the other four? Wichita; Dallas: Canton: Bangor; Fresno
3. What were the first products marketed in aerosol containers?
4. What was the name of the dog on the Cracker Jacks box? Jack; Spot; Bingo; Cracker
5. How old was Joan of Arc when she was burned at the stake?
6. From what country was the following proverb first recorded? “Travel east and travel west, a man’s own home is still the best.” England; Germany; America; France
7. What word is derived from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet?
8. In 1626, what island did Peter Miuit purchase for 60 guilders($24.00), that today, would be impossible to determine its value? Long Island; Staten Island; Ellis Island; Manhattan
9. The midwife thought this artist was stillborn and abandoned him on a table. His uncle, however, a cigar-smoking physician, saved the infant with a blast of air into his lungs. Who was it? Da Vinci; Picasso; Monet; Van Gogh
10. How did the practice of saying, “Cheers” before drinking originate?

1. Ordinance refers to a decree, law, or regulation. Ordnance refers to military equipment or weapons; i.e.: Jerry got a citation for breaking the local ordinance against keeping ordnance in a residence.
2. All the others have six letters; Wichita has seven.
3. Insecticides in 1941.
4. B-i-ngo, b-i-ngo, b-i-ngo, and Bingo was his name, oh!
5. The Maid of Orleans was 19 years old.
6. Germany
7. Alphabet
8. Manhattan
9. Pablo Picasso
10. Actually from our five sense organs – skin, nose tongue, eyes and ears. The lips touch it, the nose smells it, the tongue tastes it, and the eyes see it. As for the ear – we say “cheers”!