Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, January 7, 2011

50 years ago...

What was happening in Chattanooga in 1960

Saturday, January 7
Motor vehicle licenses in Tennessee for 1961 will be issued as in former years beginning March 1. Governor Ellington’s announced plans for semi-permanent tags to last three years will not become effective until 1962.

Tuesday, January 10
Lou Williams, president of the Chamber of Commerce, was cited as “a man who has attained greatness through service to his fellow man” Tuesday, and was presented the Chattanooga Kiwanis Club’s 1960 Distinguished Service Award.
State and federal architects and engineers put their unqualified stamp of approval on the new Chattanooga State Psychiatric Hospital on Moccasin Bend in a final inspection tour Tuesday. The $3,125,000 hospital is scheduled to begin operation in the late spring or early summer.

Thursday, January 12
The Woman’s Auxiliary of Erlanger Hospital will present a check for $10,000 to finance extensive air conditioning facilities which were installed on two floors of the hospital. Mrs. W. B. Gates, auxiliary president, and Miss Dura Griswold, treasurer, will present the echeck to Administrator Harold Peterson and board chairman Roy McDonald.