Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, March 19, 2010

What'll they dream up next?

The Windshield Wonder

My how time flies. It seems like just yesterday I was making a list of New Year’s resolutions and now the official first day of spring is upon us, and boy do I have a lot of cleaning to do.
I suppose it is way past time to put up my Christmas-candy tins and cinnamon-scented pinecones. Maybe I should box up all the winter clothes and shoes and make room for the summer garb.
Before we know it, flowers and trees will begin to blossom. I have already started receiving pollen alerts via text message from The Weather Channel. The outside of my car may take on a new shade of color as a thick layer of yellow powder starts to form, but at least I have the Windshield Wonder to help keep the windows on the inside of my car pristine.
How it works
As much of a chore as it is to clean inside car windows, the Windshield Wonder makes it a bit more bearable. It is an ergonomically shaped window-cleaning wand with a pivoting microfiber-covered rectangle head. A couple sprays of water on the microfiber are all it takes to scrub an entire windshield. The extended handle makes it easier to reach those nooks and crannies, saving your back for gardening, laundry or any other chore.
Pros and cons
The Windshield Wonder is a must-have in every person’s console, glove box or emergency roadside kit. The long handle and pivoting head makes it very easy to use without straining your back from all the bending, twisting and contorting you must do to reach all those corners.
The microfiber cleaning head cover is removable and machine-washable. There is a second microfiber cover to use while the other is being washed.
The green microfiber head covers are a reminder of how it helps the environment – no wasted paper towels or harsh chemicals are needed to maintain a spot and streak-free shine without any lint or dust left behind.
One complaint I can foresee about the Windshield Wonder is the seemingly breakable plastic handle. There is an extension that snaps in to the end of the handle rather than it screwing in, and although mine is still in one piece, the joint seems weak and breakable.
Also, the cleaning head covers must be washed and rid of grime and large particles; otherwise you will just be smearing the same dirt back onto your windows or scratching them up with trapped particles.
The Windshield Wonder may also have uses inside the home for large windows and mirrors.
Where to buy
One Windshield Wonder cleaning kit comes with one cleaning wand with an extension handle, two microfiber cleaning head covers and a small spray bottle for water. It is found in the As-Seen-On-TV aisle at Walgreen’s, Walmart and other stores that carry such items at a price of about $9.99 plus tax.
They can also be purchased online, but I have read several reviews where buyers have not been pleased with their online orders that allow you to buy two for one and just pay shipping. These people say it is much better to buy one outright at a store to avoid shipping costs, credit card scams and the like.
Have a gadget you would like to put to the test? Send an e-mail to me at misty@dailydata.com.