Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, September 30, 2011

Brainbuster — Make your brain tingle!

1. Decibel is a measurement unit. After whom is this word named? George Bell; Alexander Graham Bell; John Bell; Bell Pepper

2. In 1 Kings 1, King David is very old, and he selects one of his sons to succeed him as king. Whom does he select? Adonijah; Solomon; Saul

3. In Asian art, what can grasshoppers symbolize? Nobility and prosperity; Poverty and misery; Imminent doom; Law and order

4. Where does America’s day begin? Point Udall, Guam; Little Diomede, Ark.; Attu, Ark.; Wake Island,

5. Each year for 10 days starting in late June, Summerfest is held, which is one of the largest celebrations of popular music in the country. In what city is Summerfest held? LaCrosse; Racine; Milwaukee; Kenosha

6. Volcanism produces about 4.1 cubic kilometers of lava worldwide each year. Where does most of this lava come from, by far? Mount Vesuvius; The “Ring of Fire”; Midocean ridges; Hawaii

7. Which of the following puppets was a character created by the famous ventriloquist Shari Lewis? Peabody; Chuckie; Charlie Horse; Fran

8. Which type of teaching practice for adult students, have researchers found to be the most beneficial? Text book learning; Lecture; Direct instruction; Experiential learning.

9. What group maintains the largest genealogical library in the world? The Catholic Church; The Mormon Church; The U.S. National Archives; The National Genealogical Society

10. If you are physically ill, a medical doctor can locate the physical manifestation of your problem and treat it with antibiotics or some other kind of medicine. If you are emotionally ill, psychiatrists can now prescribe medicine, depending upon what label they assign to you. What kind of energy makes up emotions? Ethereal; Tangible; Spirit; none of these.


1. Alexander Graham Bell

2. Solomon

3. Nobility and prosperity

4. Wake Island

5. Milwaukee

6. Midocean ridges

7. Charlie Horse

8. Experimental learning

9. The Mormon Church

10. Etheral.