Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, September 25, 2009

Kay's Cooking Corner

I imagine some think it takes a special “talent” or “gift” in order to write a good column. Well, in a way it does. It takes the gift of gab, and as you have recently seen, my sister and I have both been blessed with it! How else could she have written such wonderful columns during my absence? They were so good that now I know who to turn to when I need a small vacation!
I should let her know, however, that when reporting to the media you have to be completely honest (with paparazzi, and fans and all). She did have a slight problem with honesty in the first column. You remember when she said she doesn’t look any older than me? Puh-leeze! She is 14 months older than me and looks every minute of it! Sorry, Kathy, but if we don’t stay on the up and up, Star Magazine will be all over us, and our reputation will just be ruined!
All joking aside, I’m sure you enjoyed her writing and recipes as much as I did, and it was a great relief not to have to worry with this during Don’s illness. But, we are back in Little Rock, and life is slowly returning to its normal routine.
I’m sure it is no surprise to some of you that I am into a “heart-healthy” mode. I have always taken into account the benefits of eating healthy, and as for myself, I do eat healthy. I watch my sugar, carb, and fat intake, and I try to eat lots of grains and fruits. But I never forced my eating habits on anyone else. Plus, once I was not having to cook for the kids, I got kind of lazy and we were eating carry-out much more than we should. However, during the last few months, we have had plenty of time to contemplate our situation and make new plans.
During Don’s recuperation, we were talking about when we quit smoking — 15 years ago, and what a positive difference it made with our health. It was like a completely new chapter of our life-book had been given to each of us.
The same is with the food you eat. It doesn’t do any good to stop one unhealthy, detrimental, habit, and yet keep another one going. What we eat not only affects how we live, but how long we live. Don and I feel like we have been given yet another new chapter in our book. This time it is about healing our bodies by eating healthier.
So, before I get to the recipe, let me say just one thing. Please, don’t allow a traumatic experience such as the one we just went through happen to you or a loved one before you start paying attention to how you are eating! I am not saying that eating better will prevent anything from happening, but I am saying it will prevent a lot of problems, and make the chances of not having any problems better for you. And if you are thinking exercise is all it takes, you’re wrong. Exercise does not zero out bad food choices.
If you have a “meat-and-potatoes” type guy for a husband or son, that’s fine, but just be aware, not helping them make wiser choices with their food can be shortening their life with you!
Roasted Chicken with Olive Oil and Fresh Lemon
2 whole chicken breasts, skinned and boned
2 teaspoons olive oil
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
1/4 teaspoon dried tarragon
Combine oil, juice and spices; pour over chicken. Marinate 20-30 minutes. Roast at 350 degrees about 35-45 minutes, basting frequently.