Saturday, Aug. 10
A canning demonstration is enthusing the rural folks in practical community work at Sunnyside. Miss Moore, the State Tomato Club organizer, and Mrs. J.B. Lauderback, Hamilton County coordinator, have arranged tables under the trees at Sunnyside School filled with baskets of vegetables and fruits. At 10 a.m., preparations are stated in learning how to prepare and can. Deep interest has been shown by the great number who have joined the club.
Misses Fern Mitchell, Paralee Cowan and Evelyn McMahan of Stevenson, Ala., will come Monday to be the guests of Miss Estelle Bunn on Mabel Street.
The business league of Ridgedale held a meeting Friday night at the Knights of Pythias Hall to discuss the admission of that suburb into the city.
Sunday, Aug. 11
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Estes announce the engagement of their daughter, Anne, to Basil Lamar Mayes of Granada, Miss. The wedding will take place in September. Miss Estes is a very popular member of the younger set here and Mr. Mayes is a leading young attorney from a prominent Mississippi family.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crumbliss of Kingston, Tenn., announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Lucille, to John Sherman Shaw of Atlanta, Ga. The wedding is to be in October.
Monday, Aug. 12
A biography of the popular and beloved Senator Bob Taylor is being compiled by his brother, James P Taylor. It will have illustrations of his home, “Happy Valley,” on the banks of the Wautauga and other places of special interest to the late Senator, covering his life from childhood to death.
Mrs. Adeline Pickering, Miss Margaret Stivers, Mrs. B. Hunter and Henry Cobleigh spent the weekend with Miss Robertine De Costa at her summer home in Menlo, Ga.
Mrs. Benjamin F. Hunt of Hattiesburg, Miss., is visiting Mrs. R.H. Hunt at her home on Oak Street.
News from the sports pages of New Orleans confirm the report that “Doc” Johnston, the Lookouts’ first baseman, has been sold to the Cleveland Americans in exchange for Augermeier, a catcher; Cullop, a pitcher; and infielders Mills and Butler.
Tuesday, Aug. 13
News has been received in Chattanooga of the marriage of Miss Eula Cate to T.J. Steffan of Atlanta. The wedding was solemnized at the home of Mrs. J.E. Vandergriff in Birmingham, where the bride was visiting. They will reside in Atlanta.
Miss Edna Graves and Richard Childress were quietly married Sunday afternoon by Dr. T.S. McCallie.
Wednesday, Aug. 14
Mrs. H.H. Eager and H.W. Powell entertained with a morning porch party and luncheon at their home on Missionary Ridge in honor of Misses Mattie and Ada Harrison of Tuscaloosa, Ala., the guests of Mrs. H.P. Eager. About 30 Ridge neighbors were invited.
Miss Josephine Turner of St. Louis arrived Monday to be the guest of Miss Gloria Lamb. She will be the honoree of a tea this afternoon given by Miss Lam at the home of Capt. and Mrs. C.A. Lyerly on Lookout Mountain.
Mrs. P.D. Houston and daughter of Nashville are visiting Dr. and Mrs. David P. Houston in Highland Park.
Thursday, Aug. 15
The contract for building the McCallie Avenue viaduct has been let to Chickamauga Quarry and Construction. The amount of the contract was not stated, but work will be started as soon as possible and will be built jointly by the Southern Railway, the Western & Atlantic Railroad and the City of Chattanooga.
Miss Hattie Claire Jewell entertained with a box party Tuesday at the Majestic Theater in honor of Misses Frances West of Knoxville and Susie Kroner of Winterville, Ga., the guests of Miss Wessie Bowen in Chickamauga, Ga.
Miss Anne Tindell of Nashville is a guest of Atlanta Farm. Miss Tindell is the niece of Judge Lewis Shepherd.
Friday, Aug. 16
A wedding of interest Thursday night was the marriage of Miss Eloise Griscom and Harry Kennedy Griffith, at the bride’s home on West Sixth Street. Dr. E.A. Elmore of the Second Presbyterian Church officiated. The popular young couple will reside in Chattanooga after a wedding trip. Both are members of well-known Chattanooga families.
Miss Helen Betts left Thursday to join a camping party at Little River, Ala.
Mrs. Roy Jackson will entertain with a luncheon at the Golf and Country Club in honor of Misses Dorris Jones and Virginia Savage of Suffolk, Va., who are visiting Mrs. George Lancaster.