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Front Page - Friday, July 9, 2010

Real Estate Facts

Make your move

You know that it takes planning and preparation to sell your home, and the same applies to making a purchase. But whether buying or selling, you’ll also have to put a lot of thought into Moving Day. After you’ve gotten three in-home estimates from professional moving companies and made your choice, start packing!
By starting your packing well in advance, you’re actually less likely to pack things you no longer need. Sort those items separately as you go, and then have a yard sale or get receipts and deduct your donations.
When it comes to packing materials, you can save both money and the environment by using what you’ve already got. Instead of bubble wrap or paper, use towels, sheets and other soft items to wrap your breakables and save space.
Label each box by number and room, and keep an inventory of its contents. Save a couple “load last” boxes for easy access on moving day and your arrival (towels, sheets, toiletries, medications, etc.).
When you do arrive, try not to be overwhelmed by all the piles of boxes. It’s a lot more fun to unpack and rearrange in your new home than it is to load everything up. If you’re properly organized, you can quickly get settled. Just work on one room at a time and be sure to start in the kitchen!
Elwynn Schwartz is the owner of Chattanooga Real Estate Consultants and may be reached at 423-894-3050.