Saturday, July 20
In response to a letter from local ministers about the influence of the latest dances “Grizzly Bear,” “Turkey Trot” and “Bunny Hug” on young people, Commissioner Betterton declared they had watched the late balls and the Chief of Police was instructed to place his police to watch these places where modern dancing was going on. He said they are not dances, but just unattractive “abominable postures” which will wreck and ruin young people, and parents should be more interested. (Editor’s note: You can see these dances on You Tube).
Miss Ruth Green and Samuel Robert Davis were married Tuesday by Rev. Allen Fort assisted by Rev. John Davis, brother of the groom. Miss Roby Green was her sister’s attendant. Charles Holman sang “Because” accompanied by Miss Ruby Robinson on the piano and I.O. Lauderdale on the violin
Sunday, July 21
Miss Gloria Lamb, Lowry and Walter Lamb are visiting their grandparents, Cap’t and Mrs. C.A. Lyerly on Lookout Mountain. Mrs. Lamb will come from Summerville, Ga., to join them to spend the rest of the summer.
Henry McFall, Mrs. Sarah McFall and Miss Ann McFall of Anderson, S.C., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Finlay on Fort Wood.
Monday, July 22
Misses Katherine Kauffman, Elizabeth Lee, Maude Whiteside and Messrs. Will Spears, Tom Latimore, Franklin Kline and Sam Whitaker are attending the house party of Miss Helen Kline at Daisy, Tenn.
Tuesday, July 23
Miss Lucy Holtzclaw will leave Sunday for Monteagle to spend the rest of the summer.
Miss Lila Schulte, Eunice Shepherd and Will Schulte are at Sullivans Island for a stay
Miss Keiler Nolen entertained with an informal tea at her home on Lookout Mountain in honor of Miss Lila Merrill of Eugaula, Ala., who is visiting Miss Lila Mansfield and Miss Mamie Lou Hall of Jaser, the guests of Miss Louise Spears. About 100 young girls called during the hours of 4-6 p.m.
Misses Marie Bell and Ann Hampton will leave soon for a trip to Atlantic City.
Mrs. Ada Strang Denton and son, Phillip Ruben, have gone to Mentone, Ala., for a month’s stay.
Wednesday, July 24
The community will mourn the loss of Dr. John Light Atlee who died Wednesday after an illness of several months. Dr. Atlee, one of Chattanooga’s oldest physicians, was born in Gettysburg, Pa. He graduated from the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1853 and came to Chattanooga in 1884. He married Miss Sarah Humphries of Atlanta in 1856. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in May,1906. He is survived by Mrs. Atlee and four children.
Thursday, July 25
Miss Emily Relfe left Wednesday for Knoxville to visit her aunt, Mrs. Cal Gurley. She will accompany Mr. and Mrs. Lem Kennedy to New York in August.
Mrs. T.C. Thompson, wife of Chattanooga’s mayor, died Thursday at her home on High Street after a long illness. She is survived by her husband and three sons. Mrs. Thompson was the former Mabelle Berry of Baltimore, Maryland.
Friday, July 26
A delegation of 100 Gideons from the north stopped over in Chattanooga en route to a convention. The Chamber of Commerce was host to the group.
W.J. Willingham, who has been quite ill at the home of his son, A.C. Willingham on Vine Street, is much improved.
Mrs. Frank Davies of Chicago left Thursday for Tate Springs to visit her sister, Mrs. S.B. Allen.
H.W. Frund, popular official of the Chattanooga Gas Co. for the past three years as Secretary and General Manager and considered one of the best in his line in the South, has resigned and will be succeeded by Sam E. DeFriese. Mr. Frund is retiring and will make his home in Kansas City.
Miss Susan Tabb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James S. Tabb of Signal Mountain, is attending the 1962 Girl Scout Senior Roundup in Button Bay State Park, Vermont.