Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, July 12, 2013

First annual TasteBuds Farm Tour coming to Chattanooga

The TasteBuds Local Food Guide will come to life during the First Annual TasteBuds Farm Tour. A $20 car pass will allow you to pile in your pals and kids for a self-paced road trip during the weekend of September 21 and 22 from noon to 5 p.m.

While at each farm, you’ll experience a 30-minute to one-hour guided tour by your host farmer, learn about where your food is grown, and even see a few farm animals. Their farm stands will be open and stocked with fresh, locally-grown products.

The car pass is good for both days of the farm tour. Participating farms include Cloudcrest Farm, CoLyCo Farm, Crabtree Farms, Eagles Rest Ranch, Erma’s Bees, Fresh Green Farm, Lamon Farm, Lavender ‘n’ Rust Herb Farm, Lookout Mountain Sustainable Homestead, Morris Vineyard & Winery, New Norm Farm, and Red Clay Farm,

with more to be announced.

Use the www.bit.ly/CHAfarmtour Google map to plan your route.

TasteBuds, now in its fifth year of production, is the regional guide for finding local foods, grown and crafted within 100 miles of Chattanooga. It highlights the area farms, farmers’ markets, food artisans, community gardens, restaurants and grocers that offer locally grown and crafted food.

TasteBuds is created by the non-profit, Crabtree Farms, with funding from Gaining Ground. In an effort to keep the publication free for its readers and listed partners, proceeds from the TasteBuds Farm Tour car pass sales will benefit the printing of the publication.

Car passes are available at www.crabtreefarms.org or by sending a check to:

Crabtree Farms

P.O. Box 2250

Chattanooga TN 37409

Source: Crabtree Farms