Saturday, July 1
Judge Frank Wilson was sworn in Saturday as U.S. District Judge in the Eastern District of Tennessee. Dis-trict Judge Robert L. Taylor administered the oath of office.
Monday, July 3
Mrs. Helen Perry, act-ive for many years in Parent-Teachers association work in Hamilton County, Monday was elected to the county board of education to fill the unexpired term of Roy A. Scruggs, who resigned last spring. Mrs. Perry will serve until July 1, 1965. Davis Eldridge, whose seven-year term expired June 30, was re-elected to the board.
Wednesday, July 5
The Moccasin Bend Psychiatric Hospital opened Wednesday, receiving 26 patients from mental institutions in Nashville and Knoxville.
Thursday, July 6
The Z. W. Wheland home and landmark in North Chattanooga is being torn down to make way for the new Chattanooga High School.
Friday, July 7
A total of 184 new businesses were established in Chattanooga during the first five months of 1961 compared to 154 in the same period of last year, it is shown by a report of the research department of the Chamber of Commerce.