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Front Page - Friday, June 28, 2024

Career Corner: Control what you can when market’s against you

Do you remember the dot-com crash in 2000? How about the mortgage crisis in 2008? It felt like things might never turn around when those devastating events occurred.

Finding a job felt impossible. And those who had one might have felt stuck since there weren’t many options. I remember friends who could neither find a job nor sell their home. The stress was high all the way around.

It’s hard to picture a different reality when you’re in the middle of a difficult time. It can feel hopeless. Hard times can bring up feelings of fear and desperation. Job searching can feel like an impossible task.

But those eras passed, we rarely think about them. And some who were lucky enough to be in a good situation during tough times might not have felt their economic impact.

One hopeful statistic to remember is that economic downturns have historically lasted anywhere from six months to 18 months. Although this length of time is certainly not nothing, it is not as long as it feels in the moment. And, there is an end to the pain. In addition, companies can sometimes be slow to change just before a presidential election – another event with an endpoint.

Remember, difficult times are not permanent. It’s not a reflection of who you are or what you are capable of. It’s not the sign of the end of your career or what’s to come. Many very talented people are going through tough times. Often, these tough times are a reflection of things outside of your control, despite how they feel in the moment.

And the reverse is also true. Many of the billionaires we admire have good timing in addition to their talent. For example, imagine if Bill Gates hadn’t started using computers until the 90s. Or, imagine if Mark Zuckerberg were just finishing college today. They likely would have missed their window of success, despite how smart they might be.

So give yourself a break. It’s natural to feel discouraged and it makes sense to feel upset.

Do your best to influence what you can control. Prepare for the future, when things will be more calm and fruitful. This might mean updating your resume or getting involved in community organizations. It might even mean taking the time to work with a therapist or a career coach.

Take care of yourself so you’ll be ready when things naturally turn around. And, remember, things will turn around. The economy will get better. The job market will improve. You will be OK.

Angela Copeland, a leadership and career expert, can be reached at www.angelacopeland.com