Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, June 21, 2019

Dooley gets 3-year term on ADTA executive council


Leitner, Williams, Dooley & Napolitan attorney C. Douglas Dooley has been elected to a three-year term on the executive council of the Association of Defense Trial Attorneys. The appointment was made during the ADTA’s 78th annual meeting in St. Andrews, Scotland.

The ADTA is an international organization of defense attorneys which accepts members by invitation only, with only one prime member from any city with a population of less than 1 million.

The ADTA has two main objectives: to provide an opportunity for successful defense trial ttorneys to associate with similarly qualified trial attorneys for professional, social and business purposes and to identify a successful defense trial attorney for those persons in search of such an attorney.

“It’s a great honor to be elected by international peers to serve on the management of this prestigious defense organization,” Dooley says.

Dooley is a 1984 graduate of the University of Alabama.

He earned his law degree from Cumberland School of Law at Sanford University in 1987 and has been with Leitner, Williams, Dooley & Napolitan for 32 years.

Additionally, Dooley has served as president of the Tennessee Defense Lawyers Association. He is a member of the International Association of Defense Counsel and DRI: The Voice of the Defense.

He has served on various committees for DRI and the IADC. Additionally, Dooley has served a three-year term on the DRI board of directors.


Source: Leitner Williams