Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, May 17, 2013

Kay's Cooking Corner

Shortcake from Trio's Restaurant

I recently served as a wedding coordinator for a sweet, young couple at our church. This past weekend was the wedding, which was an experience like no other - including when my daughter married. However, when my daughter was married, I was much younger!

The wedding took place at the church, with the reception right across the street at our Family Life Center. Between Thursday morning, when we first started setting up, through late Saturday afternoon when it was over, I must have walked at least 50 miles going back and forth between the two buildings. My feet and legs were throbbing by the time I got home Saturday evening.

I’m not complaining – I enjoyed helping to decorate the sanctuary for the wedding and the gym for the reception, and seeing the excitement among the families and friends, but I have not been that tired in a long, long time. In fact, I can’t remember ever being that tired before. I’m sure I have been, I have just forgotten, and over time, I’m sure I’ll forget how tired I was this past weekend. However, right now, on Monday morning, I’m still trying to recuperate! I’m enjoying this time to sit and write.

The rehearsal dinner was Friday evening at Trio’s restaurant, a Little Rock favorite. In order to correctly inform you of Trio’s restaurant, I went to their website and found this information: “Trio’s Restaurant, which began in 1986 as a gourmet shop with ‘good food to go’ along with cookbooks, coffee, gadgets, and a well-stocked deli, has evolved into one of the finest dining and catering establishments in the state. Capi Peck and Brent Peterson have nurtured Trio’s from its inception. It is their baby,

and it has grown into an award-winning restaurant known for innovation and consistency” (www.triosrestaurant.com).

One of the desserts Trio’s is best known for making is their strawberry shortcake. I’ve heard folks say they might eat somewhere else, but they drive to Trio’s for the strawberry shortcake afterward.

After remarks like that, I had to have it – and they’re right! It is the best ever. And, what’s even better (well maybe not really), I have found a recipe for it that Capi Peck posted on inarkansas.com.

There’s no better time to try this amazing dessert than right now – either at home or tonight at Trio’s!   

Strawberry Shortcake

Recipe, from Capi Peck of Trio’s, 8201 Cantrell Road, Little Rock

Yields 20 shortcake rounds.

Ingredients for shortcake:

4 cups of flour

1 1/2 lbs. of cold, unsalted butter

1/2 cup of ice cold water

Place the flour in the bowl of an electric mixer with the paddle attachment in place. Cut the cold butter into pieces and add several at a time, mixing well after each addition, with the mixer running. Alternate the butter with the water. Mix on medium speed until the butter is completed mixed into the flour.

Pull golf ball size pieces of dough from the mass and roll them between your palms to make a smooth ball. Flatten each ball onto a sheet pan and make tiny holes in the dough with the lines of a fork to prevent the pastry from puffing up.

Bake in a pre-heated 300-degree oven for 20 minutes. Let it cool completely and then store in a covered container at room temperature for up to three days.

Ingredients for strawberries and whipped cream:

Strawberries, caps removed, washed and sliced


1 quart of heavy cream

1/2 cup of powdered sugar

Place 1/4 cup of sugar per one quart of sliced strawberries in a large mixing bowl. Place the sliced berries on top of the sugar and stir gently. Let the berries and sugar stand at room temperature for 30 minutes so the berries can release their juices. Chill for two hours before assembling the shortcakes.

Whip cream to soft peaks with the powdered sugar.

To assemble: Place a baked shortcake round on a serving plate. Ladle the strawberries with their juices over the shortcake and top with whipped cream.