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Front Page - Friday, April 2, 2010

Real Estate Facts

Don’t let them bug you

It has been estimated that termites cause $5 billion in property damage every year in this country. That makes them more of a threat to homeowners than flood, wind, or even fire.
And yet, the Federal Housing Admin-istration (FHA) demands separate termite inspections only if the state or local laws require it, or if there is an outright suspicion of damage.
Termites thrive in the warmer climates of the South/Southeast and West/ Southwest, but states on the East Coast and even in the Midwest have areas of high risk. Outside those regions, all it takes is the right combination of warmth, food and moisture to invite a termite infestation.
As a homebuyer, you would be well advised to determine whether the home you are offering to purchase is under a termite protection plan, and to seek a separate termite inspection, even if it's not required. Older homes in particular may be at risk, because of the possibility of cracked foundations, but even new homes could be potential targets if the builders did not correctly perform termite pretreatments.
You probably won't notice the little buggers until the damage is already done, so be sure to get your home into a termite inspection and treatment program as soon as possible after your purchase. If you have any doubts about inspections, ask your real estate representative for advice.
Elwynn Schwartz is the owner of Chattanooga Real Estate Consultants and may be reached at 423-894-3050.