The Napkin Sketch Series lunch is a monthly design charette held with business contacts seeking a casual atmosphere for discussing business development ideas.
Ed Garbee
Started in January 2014, topics range from residential renovations and commercial development to property analysis or even business graphics and websites.
By it’s very nature, Napkin Sketching is profoundly simple. Taking a pen and drawing on a napkin during lunch can open up a dialogue of free thinking, giving the participants the opportunity to explore ideas without commitment. Since architects are visual thinkers and tend to talk in word pictures, being able to sketch during conversations helps to express the visual image to the listener. If it can be discussed, a sketch can probably make it easier to understand.
The series luncheons are held Dutch Treat at Whole Foods at 11:30 a.m. on every fourth Thursday, and are limited to four participants. The advice is free. Email me at to reserve your seat.
Ed Garbee can be found at Garbee Architecture, PLLC, 633 Chestnut Street, Suite 600, Chattanooga, TN 37450. Phone 423-364-2830. Email v