What was going on in Chattanooga way back in 1962?
Saturday, March 3
T.A. Lupton, Jr., and Geddes Douglas Saturday announced they have purchased from Woods White the Office Equipment Company, located in the James Building.
Organization of a new Chattanooga building supply concern known as A-OK Supply was announced Saturday by Robert L. Wilbanks, president of the wholesale concern. The company has opened for business at 1086 Duncan Avenue. Other officers of the firm are E.R. Elam, Harry E. Gamble and James J. Williams.
Sunday, March 4
Warren Herring, local broadcaster and advertising salesman, has been appointed manager of the membership department of the Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce, to fill the post held by Frank Orend before he was promoted to assistant manager of the Industrial Committee of 100.
Moore-Handley has purchased the operating assets of Railey-Milam of Miami, W.W. French, Jr., president of Moore-Handley, announced Saturday. Moore-Handley is rated as the second largest distributor of hardware and supplies in the Southeast. Railey-Milam, the largest hardware and industrial supply distributor in Florida, will be a wholly owned subsidiary of Moore-Handley.
Monday, March 5
Mayor Olgiati brushed off rumors Monday that he might withdraw from the governor’s race as “someone’s wishful thinking,” and declared that he not only will remain in the contest but that he intends to win.
Arthur Judson Scarborough, long-time resident of Chattanooga, a devoted member of the Highland Park Baptist Church and the Men’s Bible Class, died Sunday morning in a local hospital.
Tuesday, March 6
Four Chattanooga students Tuesday were awarded coveted John Motley Morehead Scholarships at the University of North Carolina. John Richard Steele, son of Dr. and Mrs. Willard Steele, Jr., and William Neil Thomas, III, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Neil Thomas, Jr., are Baylor School students. Richard S. Johnson, Jr., son of Col. and Mrs. R.S. Johnson, Sr., and Spencer Wyatt McCallie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hooke McCallie, II, are McCallie School students.
The City Commission Tuesday confirmed Mrs. Charles M. Hooper as a member of the Chattanooga Board of Education to fill the vacancy created by the expiration of the term of Mrs. James B. Irvine, Sr. Mrs. Irvine had requested that she not be considered for another term.
Wednesday, March 7
George T. Richardson, Chairman of the Chattanooga Industrial Committee of 100, told the weekly luncheon meeting of the Junior Chamber of Commerce Wednesday, “In my opinion, a growing, bustling trade area and needing and wanting more goods and services is the answer for downtown Chattanooga.”
Thursday, March 8
The election of Jack Hill, Jr., as a vice president and Charles Dan Henderson and James A. Hall as assistant vice presidents of the Hamilton National Bank was announced on Wednesday by J.E. Whitaker, board chairman.
Friday, March 9
Chattanooga will join communities throughout the world in observing “World Day of Prayer” Friday with city-wide services at the First Christian Church at 11 a.m. and the Pilgrim Congregational Church at 7:30 p.m. “To unite the people of the world in a bond of prayer and Christian fellowship” is the purpose of the international observance held annually on the first Friday in Lent. Mrs. August W. Eberly is chairman.
Dr. Frank A. Rose, president of the University of Alabama, heads a list of impressive speakers for the first annual Teachers’ and Headmasters’ Conference of the Mid-South Association of Independent Schools, to be held March 9-10 at the Read House. More than 600 delegates from the 28 member schools are expected to attend the conference.