It does not happen very often, but sometimes I can spend an entire day at the office and get nothing done. Combine a touch of the flu with a bad attitude and a fairly light schedule, and I can accomplish next to nothing with very little effort. There is no requirement that I have nothing to do, only that I do not have to do it at that particular time. I often find that when these days roll around, the projects and work that are putting pressure on me actually contribute to my inability to get anything done.
Sometimes, I am actually paralyzed pondering the things that need to be done that I am not doing.
I tend to do better when I have very tight deadlines and almost no choice but to get to work to meet the demands of my schedule. A prime example would be the writing of this column. The more free time I have to get the column done by my due date, the more likely it is that I will be writing it at the last minute.
It is days like this that I almost wish I had a regular job. A place where I went in at a certain time and worked to a certain time and was required to complete certain tasks or assignments before I left. A place where staring at the computer and randomly leaving my office for undisclosed locations for as long as I want would not be tolerated. A place where coworkers would talk about me behind my back if I did not pull my weight. A place that would encourage me to work even when I did not feel like it.
It is days like this that I would have been better simply taking half of the day off, getting whatever it is out of my system, and starting fresh the next day. As it stands, I am in danger of spending too much time in my office, accomplishing nothing, and then returning tomorrow with much of the same attitude.
I do think that I spend too much time at the office, and I do believe that it hinders my productivity. If I made myself only work specific hours and demanded of myself that I accomplish certain things in that time period, it might be that I would get more done. On the other hand, I have always found that I get more done when I am here alone than when the office is full of people. Maybe my time at the office should only be when I am alone. Of course, sometimes, my time alone at the office is even less productive than the time when others are around. There does not seem to be an easy answer.
Upon further reflection, I am not really sure I want a job. I like being the boss. Maybe I should just accept that some days are better than others and play through the tough ones the best way I can. I guess everyone has bad days. Maybe recognizing this could make me a better boss.
If I accomplished nothing else today, I did get my column done. That in itself might give the illusion that I have been productive today. After all, perception is reality and looking busy is a lot easier from a distance. That is one of the advantages of sitting way up in the CHEAP SEATS!
Bill James is an criminal defense attorney and cofounder of the James Law Firm with offices in Little Rock, Conway and Fayetteville, Arkansas. He may be contacted at