Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, February 10, 2012

50 years ago...

What was happening in Chattanooga in 1962?

Saturday, Feb. 10

The Chattanooga Civitan Club netted approximately $5,500 on as much as 300 pounds of fruit cake sold in December, Gilbert T. Stein reported Friday at the club’s noon luncheon at Hotel Patten. Money from the sale goes toward the support of Bonny Oaks and other charitable organizations.

Approval by Congress of the sale of 14.1 acres of land and two buildings of the former Cramet plant to Alco Chemical will mark the first sale of any of the Cramet property since the General Services Administration agreed to subdivide it. The Alco plant will cost $750,000, including $225,000 for the land.

Sunday, Feb. 11

Mrs. Guinn Cate Dement, wife of M.E. Dement, Sr., died Friday night in a local hospital. Mrs. Dement was a lifelong member of First Presbyterian Church, a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and former member of the Kosmos Women’s Club and the Tennessee Federation of Women’s Clubs.

Miss Judy Gayle Crosby of Andersonville was crowned Tennessee’s Junior Miss Saturday night at the annual pageant, sponsored by the Red Bank Junior Chamber of Commerce at Red Bank High School. First runner-up was Miss Suzy Durham of Chattanooga, sponsored by the Chattanooga Jaycettes.

Monday, Feb. 12

Collections by the office of County Court Clerk David M. Ramsey reached an all-time high during January. Ramsey Monday turned over a check for $129,686.24 to County Judge Frost. The amount was $7,433.43 higher than during January 1961, when Ramsey placed the record sum of $122,252.81 in the county treasury.

The 1962 edition of Holiday on Ice thrilled a Memorial Auditorium crowd of 3,000 Monday night with 25 dazzling acts by the 100-member talented cast with a $250,000 wardrobe. The 17th annual tour of the spectacular show of glittering skating performances by a bevy of stars received a rousing welcome from the crowd of spectators.

Tuesday, Feb. 13

Mrs. Ada Smith Allen, widow of J.M. Allen, former well-known Chattanooga contractor, died Tuesday morning at her home on Forrest Avenue. Mrs. Allen was a devoted member of Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

Golfer Gene Littler, current National Open Champion and top money winner among professional golfers so far this year, has joined the advisory staff of First Flight of Chattanooga, John Harkins, First Flight president, announced.

W.S. Obenshain, Jr., general southern division manager of Sealtest Foods, Tuesday announced the appointment of R. F. Lambert, former assistant Atlanta zone manager, as manager of the Sealtest plant in Chattanooga.

Wednesday, Feb. 14

John Jay Hooker, Jr., Nashville attorney and prospective gubernatorial candidate, and Mrs. Hooker were luncheon guests Wednesday of some 25 Chattanooga friends at Hotel Patten. They stopped here briefly enroute to Pulaski.

Hammond Fowler of Rockwood, state public service commissioner who may become a Democratic candidate for governor, visited Chattanooga Wednesday, and said he felt encouraged by his two-week tour of Tennessee.

Thursday, Feb. 15

Tom Buntin, vice president of Buntin & Associates of Nashville and governor of the 7th “Deep South” District of the Advertising Federation of America, will be the principal speaker at the second annual Chattanooga Advertising Institute, opening Thursday morning at Read House.

The Chattanooga Board of Education voted Wednesday to accept 12.49 acres of lakefront property at Volunteer Ordnance Works for development as an outdoor camp for use by organized school classes as an experimental outdoor teaching facility, Dr. Bennie Carmichael, school superintendent, announced.

Friday, Feb. 16

One hundred French students participating in the Experiment in International Living will land at Lovell Field about July 17 in a chartered plane arriving directly from Paris. The flight will be the first international one to land at Lovell Field. Mrs. Joy Solomon, local representative for the experiment, said the students will live in different communities in the area as guests in the homes of families.