Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, December 26, 2014

Mayor Berke announces Small Business incentives

Mayor Andy Berke this week announced the first three businesses to receive the City of Chattanooga’s new Growing Small Business (GSB) incentives. Bellhops, a local small business that serves over 121 cities in 42 states, will add 19 new jobs to their Chattanooga-based office, and Wafflez Factory, located on East M. L. King Blvd., will add 14 new jobs. In addition, a California-based company with plans to relocate to Chattanooga will create 60 new jobs. The total amount awarded to the three small businesses will be $22,503.65.

“Each job created in Chattanooga has the potential to change someone’s story. That’s why we’re focused on economic development incentives for large companies and as well helping small, local businesses expand,” said Mayor Berke. “When a local company with 15 employees adds five paying, middle class jobs, it strengthens Chattanooga.”

The GSB incentives, which Mayor Berke announced last April during his State of the City speech, provide small businesses that make a substantial workforce expansion with a cash grant per new employee. Implemented by the city’s new Economic Development Office, the GSB initiative was allotted $100,000 in the city’s 2014/2015 budget.

The incentives are for businesses with 100 or fewer employees. Businesses must hire five or more new employees in the 12-month period beginning July 1, 2014. All newly hired employees must be located inside the city limits and working 30 or more hours per week. Grants will be made on a reimbursable basis to qualifying businesses, and there is a $10,000 cap per business.

Small businesses interested in applying should fill out an online application at www.chattanooga.gov/economic-community-development/economic-development.

Source: Office of Mayor Andy Berke.