Saturday, October 7
More than 950 passengers left Chattanooga at 8:30 Saturday morning on the longest passenger train ever to leave Chattanooga for a 165-mile excursion to Oz, Ky. An additional 300 persons joined the train en route. The excursion train returned to Chattanooga about 9 p.m.
Sunday, October 8
A crowd, estimated at more than 5,000, gave the U.S. Army Field Band a standing ovation at Memorial Auditorium Sunday afternoon after a stirring concert. The 112 men who composed the band and chorus, all skilled musicians, offered a varied program.
Wednesday, October 11
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Myers and their three children, of 2109 Lansdell Road, went underground Wednesday afternoon to start a ten-day test of fall-out shelter life under emergency conditions. The family plans to maintain the test until Saturday afternoon, October 21.
Friday, October 13
The 15 annual Plum Nelly Clothesline Art Show will be held Saturday and Sunday at the Lookout Mountain home and studio of Miss Fannie Mennen from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. both days.