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Front Page - Friday, October 18, 2013

CWLI presents Women Know: Financial Empowerment

The Chattanooga Women’s Leadership Institute will present a series of financial seminars for women entitled Women Know: Financial Empowerment beginning Wednesday, October 16.

Women are faced with financial implications when they get married, when they begin or change careers, when they have children, when they divorce or lose a spouse, as they begin to acquire assets, when they retire, and as they begin to think about leaving assets to their family or to charity upon death. Women Know: Financial Empowerment is designed to provide women with the tools to better understand their current personal financial situation and to develop a financial plan for their future.

This six-session series will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. every other Wednesday from October 16 through November 20. Local financial and legal professionals will present on topics such as financial organization, budgeting, personal liability, investing, interpreting the financial news, retirement planning, long-term care, and estate planning. Attendees will be encouraged to ask questions, as well as have the opportunity to follow up discussions with presenters.

The public is invited to participate in this dynamic program. The cost for all six sessions, which includes materials and lunch, is $150 for CWLI members, and $180 for non-members. Individual sessions, including materials and lunch, will be $25 for CWLI members, and $30 for non-members. For more information on each session, visit www.cwli.org. Registration and pre-payment are required.

For information on how to register for the Women Know: Financial Empowerment series, as well as information on how to become a member of CWLI, visit www.cwli.org or call 423-394-8173.