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Front Page - Friday, October 1, 2010

Real Estate Facts

Open House 101

No one’s going to buy a home without taking a thorough tour, and Open Houses are an easy and convenient way to make the initial rounds. If you’re going to visit one open house, you may as well plan to visit several in the area to get an overall impression and basis for comparison.
While you’re “on the circuit,” observe a few points of etiquette. First and foremost, be sure to ask permission before taking the lens cap off your camera or video recorder. If the owners are still occupying the home, they may consider it an invasion of their privacy.
Even if the owners are not present during the open house, don’t voice any criticisms within earshot of anyone around. Save that discussion for later with your agent, because you never know who might overhear you, like a neighbor or a friend of the sellers. Of course, pay attention to anything you overhear from other visitors!
Also avoid divulging too much information about yourself, like when you have to move or what your price range is. Even if you’ve walked into your “dream home,” show your best poker face, and don’t give the listing agent the benefit of spying your emotions.
Open houses are a great starting point, but your best bet is always to have your agent schedule appointments for in-depth home tours.
Elwynn Schwartz is the owner of Chattanooga Real Estate Consultants and may be reached at 423-894-3050.