Chambliss, Bahner & Stophel attorney Mark Cunningham has received a 2015 Leading Lawyer award for being a top healthcare transactional attorney. Cunningham was selected by The Ambulatory M&A Advisor publication.
The Leading Lawyer award honors “healthcare transactional attorneys who have achieved a high degree of recognition and success within the field,” according to The Ambulatory M&A Advisor.
Cunningham serves as counsel for leading healthcare participants on a regional and national level, including ambulatory surgical centers, physician practices, medical practice management companies, outpatient diagnostic centers, hospital-based providers, and many other parties within the healthcare industry. He represents both buyer and seller clients in various commercial transactions, and has specific experience with asset purchase transactions, stock purchase transactions, mergers, and joint ventures.
To be considered for the Leading Lawyer award, an attorney must work full time at a law firm, have partner status or above, have at least ten years of experience with healthcare transactions, and practice with a focus on mergers and acquisitions. Leading Lawyer award winners were chosen across the Unites States and selected from areas of jurisdiction including Massachusetts, Louisiana, New Jersey, Alabama, and Tennessee. For more information, please visit the 2015 Leading Lawyers information page at
Source: Chambliss, Bahner & Stophel